A. Understanding Waves:
Is a form of vibration waves that crept in a medium. On the propagating waves are waves, not the substance of medium instrumentality. One wave length can be seen by calculating the distance between the valleys and hills (analyze the transversal wave) or the distance between a density menhitung with one renggangan (longitudinal wave). Fast wave propagation is the distance traveled by a wave in one second.
Transverse wave
Transverse wave is a wave that has a propagation direction perpendicular to the direction of vibration. Examples of transverse waves are waves on a string. Wave vibration direction is vertical, while rambatnva horizontal direction so that the direction of vibration and rambatnva same direction or unidirectional.
A wave can be grouped into trasnversal wave if the particles of the medium vibrate upwards and downwards in the direction perpendicular to the wave motion. Examples of transverse waves are waves of string. When we move the rope up and down, it appears that the rope moves up and down in the direction perpendicular to the direction of wave motion. Transverse wave form look like the picture below.
C. Transverse wave
Transverse waves are waves which direction perpendicular to the direction of vibration rambatannya (usikannya).
Consider g following illustration!
Examples of transverse waves:
- Vibration learned gitas ray
- Vibrations that shake-shake the rope at one end
1. Wavelength
A. Wavelength Definition
One wave length equal to the distance traveled in one period.
The wavelength of a transverse wave
Consider the following illustration!
In a transverse wave, a wave consisting of three nodes and two stomachs. The distance between two nodes or two successive stomach is called a half or ½ wavelength λ (lambda),
B. Quick Potatoes Waves
Distance traveled by a wave in one second is called propagation of waves. Fast wave propagation is denoted by v and its units m / s or m s-1. The relationship between v, f, λ, and T are as follows
λ = wavelength, unit meter (m)
v = velocity of wave propagation, unit meters / second (ms-1)
T = wave period, the unit seconds or seconds (s)
f = frequency wave, unit or 1/sekon 1/detik (s-1)
3. Wave Reflection
If the wave through a barrier or barriers, such as solids, then the wave will be reflected. This reflection is one of the properties of the wave.
Here is an example of wave reflection on the ropes
Wave reflection at the end of the stay are changed in shape or phase. However, wave reflection from the free end does not change shape or phase.
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